Friday, August 8, 2008


At 8 o'clock on this ominous day the Beijing Olympics started, and before this event the military confrontation between Republic of Georgia and breakaway Republic, South - Ossetia escalated. Major media channels are covering both events and I really have no wish to comment those events. Instead there was latest popularity poll published in Diena today. Since the failed referendum some of the majority coalition members keep repeating that it failed due to the fact, that the majority (900 000) who did not appear in voting stations were AGAINST the referendum agenda. To prove how ludicrous are such announcements here is the result of the poll about the popularity of Latvian parliament and government.

Trust of the Latvian parliament in July & trust of the Cabinet in July, 2008

Does not trust - green

Trust - red

Do not know & N/A - grey

P.S. For those of you reading in Latvian here is a piece I wrote today.