Tomorrow there are the European Parliament and municipal elections in Latvia. During the election campaign I witnessed rather many people who expected new mesiah coming. Indeed, and also
Gatis Šļūka had a similar feeling for the upcoming voting:)
Text in Latvian:There are only idiots in the goverment! When are we going to see new persons there?I am going to run for the office! What, are you an idiot?
Well, how did it go?
With 57% of participation rate SCP got around 3,9% of total vote. Results are not official yet, but it seems that not going to represent Latvian voters in Bruxelles & Strassbourg this time:)
Quite high rate, isn't it?
Anyway, sorry for You. Don't You regred running as a member of SCP rather than PS (of course You wouldn't do it under SC :D)?
And what are You up to now? Still teaching kids and criticising elite?
Participation rate was comparatively high and I was happy about it! I do not regret anything except bad teamwork:) I would not like run under PS because I am not a conservative person, and would continue with kids and look for other option in a meantime:) Life still goes on!!
The marathon runners of East Africa, running barefoot as they prepared, and when they ran their races, were the motivation for the original design of MBT shoes . Of course, these researchers understood that people were not about to go around barefoot in the city. MBT shoe have been made for this reason.
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