Thursday, December 27, 2007

Contemplations after suicide blasts and passing away of Jaan Kross

This morning sad news came from Estonia. The world renown novelist Mr Jaan Kross passed away today. He was the Nobel prize of literature nominee for many years in the row. Estonia still does not have a Nobel prize winner and both Messrs Kross and Jaan Kaplinski are nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature for 2007. The life of Jaan Kross was ended, thus Estonian society has lost its most prominent intellectual today.

Couple of hours later tragic news came from Pakistan - the first female prime minister of the muslim country, Mrs Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by the suicide killer in Rawhalpindi. Two highly educated persons passing away in the same day sounds a bit cruel in this Holiday Season.

Latvian new old government was elected by the Latvian Saeima with 54 AYS on December 21, 2007. After the government was elected an old member of the People's Party (TP) Gundars Bērziņš came out with a very colourful interview in the His public utterances were balancing on simple rudeness, and I shall come back today with short analysis of the aforementioned interview and other thoughts prior the end of the politically eventful year for the Republic of Latvia.

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