If there is one extremely bad habit of the hopefully outgoing and self imposed "political elite" in Latvia, then it is the system of finding scapegoats for their own wrongdoings every time and everywhere. Like politicians in France their homologues in Latvia love to blame EU for most of their own shortcomings.
Below you may see today's front page of the second major Latvian daily NRA. Regardless of totally reckless and sometimes "puzzling" policy making of the former government the newspaper came out with the following header today - Eiropa prasa griezt skarbāk...
(text in Latvian) - Europe demands drastic [budget] cuts

P.S. I am listening to the Latvia's most popular talk show now, and the PM nominee Valdis Dombrovskis just announced that his government would seriously consider introducing the mandatory income declaration system as one of the first tasks of his government.
P.P.S. While the government published its declaration , also the People's Party nominated their candidate for the Minister of Culture today.
NRA laikam ir trešajā (t.i. pēdējā :)) vietā Latvijas populārāko avīžu "topā" - pirmās divas vietas dala Latvijas Avīze un Diena. Bet, par jauno valdību runājot, esmu pamanījis, ka 4 no 5 Tautas partijas ministriem vispār nekandidēja Saeimas vēlēšanās - par Eglīti, Zalānu, Riekstiņu un Dālderi neviens vēlētājs nav balsojis. Ar ZZS ir līdzīgi - Koķe, Dūklavs, Augulis. Protams, arī Saeimas deputātiem vai citiem, kas kandidēja šo partiju sarakstos, uz sabiedrības uzticību būtu grūti cerēt, bet fakts, ka partijas uz vēlēšanām izvirza vienus, bet pēc tam amatos saliek citus, par nobriedušu demokrātiju nepavisam neliecina.
Taa tas SIA LR notiek... .Tik tieshaam, un paldies par aciigajiem atgadinaajumiem (nebija datu par tiraazhu pie rokas, bet tagad zinaashu, ka NRA tik treshie:)
The marathon runners of East Africa, running barefoot as they prepared, and when they ran their races, were the motivation for the original design of MBT shoes . Of course, these researchers understood that people were not about to go around barefoot in the city. MBT shoe have been made for this reason.
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