In normal circumstances people should be celebrating but not this time in Latvia. Parliamentary majority accepted the new Corruption Bureau Chief Mr. Normunds Vilnitis, the politicized state enterprises councils were liquidated, and also ``the anti-Mafia`` law was finally passed in the parliament! However, those amendments were long overdue in this corruption ridden country. The former government led the country to the verge of the bankruptcy, and now Valdis Dombrovskis must lead the country out of the malaise together with former ``adversaries``. The task of the new PM is not going to be easy, because he would have to be constantly guarding his back from his own coalition members ...

Decisions of the parliament to pass the long mulled laws and appoint Mr Vilnitis as the new Anti Corruption warrior are encouraging, thus, God speed Valdis Dombrovskis with your challenging work in overhauling the antiquated state machinery! Glad to realize, that also Gatis Šļūka in his cartoons has the same contemplations:)
Text in Latvian: [The question] What should we do? it simply does not operate...[an answer] We would reinstall it!

P.S. Here is my interview to ERR presented on the web thanks to the Päevaleht Online
I just looked at the CVs of the new ministers...goodness, can't someone please fix them a little? Why would several of the ministers claim "fluency" in English while Liegis claims his English is "good"? That has to be just too funny. And some of the CVs looks totally hilarious...editing, please!
Just checked the www.mk.gov.lv webpage and found ALREADY Mr Liegis FLUENCY of English and French:)
Oops, no, his knowledge of English is still excellent, while Dombrovskis is fluent:)
Country of two Valdis. Name Your children Valdis if You want them to succeed in politics.
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