Thursday, January 18, 2007


Yesterday night came to Tallinn and crossed the Gulf of Finland this morning to arrive to Helsinki. The sea was stormy but managed grading MA student papers and also read one book for the European Political Culture course. Sitting now at Mikko & Hanna place and dinner is going to be served in minutes, thus shall be short this time.

There was a lecture `Promoting Democracy of the Post-Soviet space should we, can we?´ by Stanford scholar Dr. Michael McFaul in Finnish Institute of International Affairs, and rather heated debate followed the presentation. Just to arouse your interest, the latest data from the Centre of Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law show that among the US public 55% Republicans and 13% (!) Democrats support democracy promotion outside the United States!

After that there was a PhD seminar in Unioninkatu 37 followed by wine and cheese party. Due to time constraints I shall not elaborate more on these issues now but get to the dinner table. Shall be be more elaborative upon arrival back to Riga.


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